Saturday, June 28, 2014

365 in 2014

Celebrating one year since a first date with this dude I kinda
like - with a date night at Chow. We waited ages for a table
and then pretty much ordered the entire menu

Made a really yummy Autumn soup from a recipe I cut out of a magazine
a really long time ago. It was so nice and warming, especially with
parmesan cheese on top

Street art down Opera House lane. Cool to see that some Matariki art
is being added at the moment

Bought a flash new camera! Pretty excited about being able to take some
better quality photos. I'll still use both this one and my old one, mainly
because it's not practical to carry this one with me everywhere, but excited
to experiment - once I know how to use it properly, that is!

Went to a pretty choice pop-up bar, Brooklyn, with a hip hop theme, on a
Friday night. My drink of choice was a Kool Aid cocktail

I love this neon sign at Nikau Cafe

A Sunday walk up Mt Kaukau. Very blustery and chilly at the top,
but great views

Saturday, June 21, 2014

365 in 2014

A cold, wet Wellington night. And an appropriate
Game of Thrones/beer reference

Morning coffee at Flight. I think this is a coffee
syphon, but I can't be sure. So fancy.

I often have fantasies about working in a book store.
So quiet and warm. So many books.

Pretty excited that Mojo have introduced a smaller takeaway
cup - now my takeaway flat white will actually be a flat white
and not overly milky. Although it isn't any cheaper...

Ok so I thought at the time that this would be an arty shot. But it's
just peanut shells on the floor of a bar after I had a few too many drinks

This however definitely helped after said few too many - the mushroom
pizza is the bomb

A beautiful day for a bike ride around the coast

Saturday, June 14, 2014

365 in 2014

Gah! So I forgot to take a picture last Monday. It was a pretty non-eventful day, which seems to be when I forget. I've also noticed that as the days get darker, it's harder to find interesting and bright things to photograph. But I am pretty happy that I'm almost half way through my 365 days and I've only forgotten twice. Enjoy this week's pics, peeps!

So many babies in my life right now. None of them are
mine but they are all so delicious. This one is a newbie
and just look at this tiny downy ear!

I took this from the motorway, driving (passengering, actually) back from
a work trip to Palmerston North on a stunning day.

Quiz night! The Dyslexic Brians are a force to be reckoned with - although
we only came fourth equal this time. But we discovered later that at least
one of the other teams was cheating. So lame.

It's Christmas! Oh wait, nah it's only winter this side of the planet.

I was kind of a bit incapacitated by a
hangover on this day, so this is what you get.
My beverage of choice

Went to see a really cool documentary in the Documentary Edge festival
called A Brony Tale. It's about men who like the cartoon My Little Pony.
It wasn't as weird as you might think. Check out the trailer here

Saturday, June 7, 2014

365 in 2014

A nice warming Indian lentil dal with coconut milk

Fridge love

A much needed mid-week caffeine injection
Winter trees

Neat muso photos at a bar near my office

A beautiful day for a bike ride

Playing board games is one of my favourite winter activities,
so I was pretty excited to finally buy one of my favourite games