Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Occupation of Being Unemployed

I’ve tried to fill my days with useful and interesting things whilst not working and most people I know are, but as anyone who has been unemployed will know - and it’s only been a month - it does get a wee bit boring at times when you’re at home and chained to the computer, emailing and searching for jobs.

Here’s how I filled one particularly boring day at home:

Got up, washed my face and got dressed because I felt like I should. And then realised it wasn't long until Dr Phil started and got back in bed.

Joined the library. Thought I could do that online but only part of it’s online. Still have to go in to join join. Guess I have to do that anyway to get the books. Damn it.

Researched going on the dole online. Then realised it looks like too much work – forms and appointments and shit.

Got annoyed when nothing was happening on Facebook. And then spent half an hour worrying I might be addicted to Facebook.

Briefly contemplated alternative careers – do bicycle couriers make good money? 

Took an online typing test. Just to remind myself that I have skills.

Wondered if 3pm is too early to start drinking red wine.

Marveled at my water bottle – it’s a sipper one. With a straw. Meaning I can drink while lying down. In bed.

Checked out what I could see with binoculars from the windows of my parents inner city apartment. Turns out - just business meetings.

Remembered I have Draw Something on my phone - hours of entertainment.

Watched documentary shows about New Zealand’s worst criminals - not really helping with the whole I'm-so-glad-I-moved-back-to-New-Zealand thing.

Realised there are people who are even more bored than me out there – case in point

Jokes aside, I have been doing a fair bit of job hunting and meeting with agencies, but after a week and a half of seriously looking for work, I’m already itching to be doing something, not to mention earning some cash – but I know as soon as I am working, I’ll be dreaming of leisurely breakfasts at 9am and watching awesome music videos on You Tube, so I better make the most of it and get back in bed.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I can totally relate! Not much to say to help except structure is good. I made a list of things that fell into 3 columns: fun (e.g. watching movies), job stuff & useful life things (e.g. laundry, gym, chores) and then did one thing from each column each day. It helped keep me sane. Ride the wave though, it'll be no time before you are back in the workforce and looking back fondly on this time.
    XO Bon
