Monday, December 6, 2010

The Winter Wonderland that is London

It's well and truly winter here in London - looking at the weather report for tomorrow - a high of 1 and a low of -1. And freezing fog - what is this, Gotham City?

It's definitely not my favourite time of year weather-wise, and it's my first really cold winter in quite some time. The last full winter I had was in Perth, which isn't really a winter like it is over here. Before that it was Sydney, again, still not as cold as it is here, so that means my last proper winter was mid 2006 when I was working in Thredbo in New South Wales on the mountain. So it's been a while. And I haven't been looking forward to it. There are however, a few good things about winter, so in order to buck the spirits up, let's make a list! Because lists make everyone happy.

Awesome things about winter:

Boots - gumboots are super cool and there are some great patterned ones out there at the moment. They can get pretty pricey though, so I haven't found myself a pair I like that fits with my budget yet. I do however have a nice pair of black leather boots which are keeping me pretty warm and dry. I don't even want to talk about uggs. Ugh!
Pubs - not that I need an excuse, but what's better than a cosy pub, preferably with a fire and a roast dinner. Maybe even a hot apple cider....which brings me to....
Winter Pimms and other hot alcoholic beverages - hot mulled cider is so nice on a cold night, especially as I am not such a fan of mulled wine. Winter Pimms has so far eluded me....but I will find it and I will DRINK it! I enjoyed some lovely 'Christmas Punch' at the Manchester Christmas Markets a couple of weekends ago. I'm still not totally sure what was in it and the name is suitably vague. It was pretty damn good though.
A new winter coat - I was totally prepared to have to shell out £60 + for a new winter coat, but on a Camden market mission one Saturday, I went to Traid and found myself a nice 80% wool, long, black winter coat for....wait for it.....£25! Score.
Soup - I love soup at any time of the year, but it's that much nicer in winter. And so easy to make too. So far I've made two batches from scratch - broccoli and cauliflower and good old fashioned vegetable. I also do the ready made stuff too. Pea and mint is highly underrated.
Slippers and pyjamas - I practically live in these in winter. Especially when I am working from home. Thank goodness my colleagues can't see me - it would ruin the high professional esteem in which then hold me.Really. My slippers are actually sort of woollen socks I was given as a gift, but they have plastic dots on the bottom so I don't my slippers.
Snow - ok so it's cold, And wet. And it makes getting to work on the tube a nightmare. But it's pretty. And fun to play in. Check out the little beauty my flatmate and I made during the particularly snowy week that was last week.
Gloves - I just bought myself some pretty cool gloves. Purple. Fingerless....BUT they have a little flap for your fingers. Are they mittens? Or are they fingerless gloves? By gosh, they're both!
Ice skating - London has a few ice skating rinks around the place and I will definitely be heading for one in the next month or so. And there are many exciting locations to choose from such as the London Eye, the Natural History Museum, Somerset House and....Westfield.
Planning trips away to warmer shores - in approximately 57 hours (just a rough guesstimate), I am off to Morocco for 10 days. Warmer weather and tripping around again....bliss.

And just one more for good luck....Christmas! I always think I am one of those people who doesn't make a big deal about Christmas. But I actually get insanely excited about it. This year, I'm having a few friends over to my place for a pot luck lunch, complete with turkey, secret Santa and a Christmas tree. Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch check it out......